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Thursday, July 29, 2010

And now we interrupt this program... FOR A SERIOUS MOMENT

The Pan-Massachusetts Challenge 2010


I'll be the first to say that the times when I am serious about something (other than business...) on this blog AND in my "REAL LIFE" are definitely few and far between.  However, this is one of those times to please take a moment to read this and help if you can...

One of my friends from home, Chris, is going to be riding 163 miles in the Pan Mass Challenge to benefit cancer research.  
PMC this weekend- closing in on goalImage by doughaslam via Flickr

Let me say that again: ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE MILES.  

In my opinion, THAT definitely qualifies as SERIOUS.  Through my job and general interest in charity and "giving back", I am frequently approached for help and, if I can, I give my time or money (usually people ask for one of the two) but ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THREE MILES???  I'm still trying to wrap my head around that.  Christopher, on the other hand, is DOING it.  It is hard to comprehend the dedication and preparation on the part of someone participating in this event.  

Truth be told, when I first read his email, I thought there was a typo...  "163 miles???  No way...".  So I clicked on the link he sent and, sure enough, he is doing all of this for a cause he is "seriously" dedicated to.  He is doing all of the work.  He is just asking for people to give him a little support.  While I am moved by all of the charities I am involved with, Chris's request stands out in my mind, probably because he is not asking for money for a charity, he is asking for support so that HE can ride 163 miles to earn money for cancer research.  Now, I am asking you all to support him as well.  I'm including links to his Facebook group, his rider profile on the PMC site and some info below about the PMC, along with a message from Chris.  

People, SERIOUSLY, this is an easy one...  Support him in any way you can and help him be a shining example of what one person can do to help fight cancer.

Christopher's Facebook group: click here

Christopher's profile page: click here

Also, check out the site for the PMC 2010 HERE

Just in case, here is the basic info promised below.  Now there is no excuse.  Do something.  


Thank you =)

Christopher's message: 
 "I am riding 163 Miles in the Pan Mass Challenge for cancer research. 100% of donations go to support the Jimmy Fund and to date, the PMC has raised $270 million that has been used to improve the lives of those suffering with cancer. It is the largest single contributor to the Jimmy Fund, bringing in nearly 50 percent of its annual revenue. Please support me in this challenge and donate to a great cause!
Thank you in advance for your support. It means a lot to me. 

Basic information on the Pan-Massachusetts Challenge:
The Pan-Massachusetts Challenge, presented by the Boston Red Sox Foundation and, is the nation’s original fundraising bike-a-thon and today raises more money than any other athletic fundraising event in the country. The PMC is a model of fundraising efficiency. Since 2007, the PMC has donated 100% of every rider-raised dollar directly to cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund. The PMC is so well-known in cycling and fundraising circles that each year people travel from around the world to participate. The camaraderie shared by riders, volunteers, and supporters is among the PMC's greatest attributes. Doctors at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute join their patients as teammates, riding for a unified goal. Over 200 PMC riders are cancer survivors. Thousands of riders and volunteers have lost loved ones to the disease. Still more ride in honor of those in treatment. 

The PMC has contributed $270 million to lifesaving cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute since its 1980 inception. For more facts and figures, click the link to our PMC Fact Sheet.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

How to Smuggle... alcohol???

Yes, alcohol.

One thing people most people don't know about me is my addiction to finding random products online.  Some of these have turned into lucrative business ideas.  Most of them are purely entertaining.  Either way, on top my addiction to reading tech blogs, I subscribe to TOO MANY sites that fill my need for consumer product knowledge:  the good, the bad, and the totally insane.  

Today, as I began my morning sorting through new info in my various RSS feeds, I came across this GEM of a product:


As I searched for the site of the manufacturer of this product, I came across THIS site, or, specifically, this post:

Top Products For Smuggling Alcohol Into Venues You’re Not Supposed To

(Just click on the link above...  I PROMISE you won't be disappointed...)

Now, I am nostalgic for the days when I was stuck smuggling tiny bottles of vodka into 'Canes games in my VERY HANDY Prada satchel...  That thing might as well have had a false bottom because it's compartments were plentiful and confusing enough to stump event security every time.  On that note, I encourage you to use the innovate products that have resulted from a clear demand in this market but just KNOW that these are the EASY WAY OUT...  or in...  I had to do things the hard way  ;)

P.S.  See the  product below (and included link to purchase)  to the right for disguising your public drinking...  I know SEVERAL of my college friends who could have saved themselves from unfortunate encounters with the ATF and local police while drinking in the good old student section...


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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My Key to Procrastination: Pointless Entertainment ;)

... and, preferably this pointless entertainment will include someone who is wasting more time than I am...

--->  Enter the guy in this video!!!  Give it a minute and you'll see some VERY impressive beer pong skills that he must have wasted an enormous amount of time perfecting...