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Monday, September 28, 2009

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American Vice: Mapping the 7 Deadly Sins

(via WIRED MAGAZINE: 17.09 )

We're gluttons for infographics, and a team at Kansas State just served up a feast: maps of sin created by plotting per-capita stats on things like theft (envy) and STDs (lust). Christian clergy, likely noting the Bible Belt's status as Wrath Central, question the "science." Valid point—or maybe it's just the pride talking.

Average income compared with number of people living below the poverty line.

Total thefts (robbery, burglary, larceny, and grand theft auto) per capita.

Number of violent crimes (murder, assault, and rape) per capita.

Expenditures on art, entertainment, and recreation compared with employment.

Number of fast-food restaurants per capita.

Number of STD cases reported per capita.

Aggregate of the other six offenses—because pride is the root of all sin.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why Some Girls Stay Single (from Melody @ Posterous)

This guy is a "class" act!


The story is this: a girl was out with friends having drinks on King St (in Toronto ). This guy approaches her and won't leave her alone -saying how cute she is. She finally gives in and hands the guy her business card to get rid of him.
The attached is an MP3 file of not one, but TWO voicemails this guy left. This goes down in the history books - especially the second voice mail.
After hearing them you can clearly see why she didn't call him back - instead she called in to the Z103.5 morning show & had them play this
on the air.
Ladies: He is out there... :)

Now just click on the link below...

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Breakup Formula

Relationship In Limbo? Use The Breakup Formula - YourTango

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The Only Way To Know A Relationship Is Over | YourTango

The Only Way To Know A Relationship Is Over | YourTango

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You and your sweetie just don't seem to connect as much, or as often as you used to. You fight more (or bicker about insignificant topics), you find yourself spending more time by yourself. How do you know if it is just a bad patch or if the relationship is over?

As someone who is always waiting for the proverbial break-up truck to run me over, I can say with absolute certainty that the only way you know that a relationship is over is when you feel it. You are depressed more than you are happy. You find yourself longing for good times. You try to bring back that magic spark but you just end up in a spat. You feel incomplete and it is only made worse when they are near. You feel that hope is gone—that the potential of the relationship has been used up, like a single-serving bag of chips. It was good, but it wasn't enough and all that is left is empty.

So what do you do? Do you continue to pick at the crumbs of your relationship? Do you live in denial that things will return to their full glory? Do you wait for the death rattleRelationship In Limbo? Use The Breakup Formula that signifies that it is truly over?

I suppose there is always a time in a relationship where you have enough foresight to recognize that the end is near. You could even ask yourself if you would rather hurt now or hurt later. You could end it and move forward without the inevitable blame and shame game.

But what if you can't get over the fact that the relationship had the potential to go the distance if only you were willing to not progress? If you didn't want to build a life with that person, or get married or have children—if you were willing to give those things up, you could be happy in your relationship, right? You may say these things, but you know you wouldn't be happy with half a relationship or with an empty bag of chips.

So do you end it and not look back? Do you brace yourself and rip off that bandage? Do you look for a soft place to land before the deed is done? What is the best way to extricate yourself from a dead relationship? How To Break Up With A Man: Don't Be Ambiguous

I guess it depends upon how unbearable it is. If it breaks your heart every time the two of you are together, I personally feel that kills a little bit of your soul. Do you find a replacement before you break up (kind of like grabbing onto another vine when you are still swinging on one,) and in doing so, run the risk of being found out and called a cheater?

You could wait for that death knell. You could mourn the relationship before it is actually over so that it isn't as difficult to recover from once it really is over. But does that really work? I don't believe there is one way to break up. Some people pick fights, some people cheat, some people become so obsessive and weird that it hastens the break up.

Humans don't want to be rejected. So it is a matter of reject before being rejected, hurt now before you hurt later. Or you could just wait until it is really over, but it takes a strong stomach to watch something die. How strong is your stomach?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lemondrop's Facebook-to-English Roommate Translator

Lemondrop's Facebook-to-English Roommate Translator

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Sharing a tiny
dorm room with a complete stranger can be scary. But thanks to Facebook, you can learn all you need to know about your future roommate before you even show up.

But don't rely on the profile to tell the whole truth. Here's a guide to deciphering your new roommate. (You may want to contact student housing for a room switch now.

What her status updates say about her:

Status Update
Julia is.
"I want to come off as existential and deep, but really I have nothing to say."

Status Update:
"I am an attention whore. Please ask me what's wrong. Prepare for a semester of high drama."

Click here
to read more.

Status Update:
Julia had the craziest night ever, even though I don't remember much of it!! Love my friends!!!
I'm a blackout drunk. I'm going to tell you everything about me, even the stuff you don't want to know, and probably throw up in our room at least once (and not in the toilet). You won't really like me, but I'll thank you for taking care of me, because did I tell you you're my FAAAAAVORITE!"

Status Update:
Julia is up and watching Saturday morning kid shows!!!
"I'm bringing a crap ton of stuffed animals."

Status Update:
Julia LOVES my pookie and can't imagine being at college without him!! :(
"I am extremely clingy and will not go out without my boy, so while you're off having fun I'm going to sit in my room, pout and wait for him to call. I'm also going to talk about my boyfriend incessantly. When he comes to visit, we'll be having nonstop sex -- with or without you in the room."

Status Update:
Julia is a gangsta/rockstar/ninja/etc.
"I am not any of these things. I am an average person."

What her "activities/interests" really mean:


"I smoke a LOT of weed."


"Drink, drank, drunk."


"Nerd alert."

Asking the big questions, Kant, Nietzsche

"I am going to judge your every decision and will bombard you with questions on how you live your life, journaling about it, and using you as an example in my philosophy assignments. In the end, I will probably have sex with my philosophy T.A."

Gettin crunk! Get hyphy!

"I strive to identify myself with urban culture, but really I grew up in the suburbs and have yet to come to terms with my middle-class existence. I will be taking at least one African studies elective."

GoInG oUT w/ MaH GuRLZ

"I'm pretty much a skank and like all my girlfriends to be hot, but not hotter than me, of course! Expect either to spend a lot of nights alone in the room (bonus!) or locked out, depending on the location of our dorm and my partner for the night."

Writing poetry (I'm published)

"I am a deep soul, but really I just like to feel superior to everyone else. I am published on, where the only hits I've gotten are from myself as I marvel at my brilliance. Expect a lot of glares. And eyeliner."

Relaxing at home

"I am awkward."


Status Update: Julia is.
Translation: Retarded.

Translation: I need some secks. Srsly.

Status Update: Julia had the craziest night ever, even though I don't remember much of it!! Love my friends!!!
Translation: Was I raped?

Status Update: Julia is up and watching Saturday morning kid shows!!!
Translation: "I'm bringing a crap ton of stuffed animals, [which are all Pedobears]"

Status Update: Julia LOVES my pookie and can't imagine being at college without him!! :(
Translation: I'm pregnant :(

Status Update: Julia is a gangsta/rockstar/ninja/etc.
Translation: I like black guys/emos/ninjas/etc.

What her "activities/interests" really mean:

Translation: "I'm sticky and I'm lying on someone else's kitchen countertop."

Translation: "I'm making out with an oak tree."

Translation: "Failed cutter."

Asking the big questions, Kant, Nietzsche
Translation: I need titles for my dA yaoi works.

Gettin crunk! Get hyphy!

GoInG oUT w/ MaH GuRLZ
Translation: Going to lesbian bar for a sanity check.

Writing poetry (I'm published)
Translation: Illiterate scenewhore

Relaxing at home
Translation: Basement dweller